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I made it!

I like the improvements from your last game, namely in graphics and music. There was also more interesting level design in this one, too. 

It took me a while to figure our that there was a time limit and to understand what the indicator was. I think the game is hard enough without the time limit, though it does add a hectic nature. Probably requires some tweaking.

Good job!

Thank U!
I feel like I spent way less time on the level design of this one. so I would love to hear where you see an improvement.

also, I thought that the time limit indicator was better on this one because it is on the player sprite instead of on a grey, barely visible bar at the bottom of the screen.

if you could, how would you make it better?

The progression felt thought out and the last level was cool how you had to reverse at the end.

Regarding the time indicator - having it be on the player is good, but it needs to be very clear just by glancing at it. Since it is small and moves slowly I did not notice that it was dynamic until I studied it closely. Maybe using some globally recognized design for fuel could help (though it's time not fuel...)