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Each YAZORIUS game is unique, both in its style and in its gameplay! I really liked this All for ONE! The atmosphere is very good, thanks to the blue of the ocean and the music. The aesthetics is also very well done, it's fine and pretty, everything fits perfectly. The difficulty is well balanced and will not put off too many players (except for the very first rotative obstacle, which killed me 4 times before I could finally get out of it ^^)

The gameplay idea is nice too. Attracting allied fish to make the group bigger is great. It makes the game cute, and it's also realistic. On the other hand it also reminds me of the game Pikmin.

Overall I really like it. In some aspects (including the visual rendering), this game reminds me of the marine levels of Donkey Kong Country on super nintendo, and it is still to this day for me the ultimate reference for 2d underwater levels! And it really means a lot.
Really great! I recommend it !