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I am thoroughly enjoying this game, but I am stuck in the "work" menu at the guild where I need to scout the farm area and it requires somebody that has stealth. The only adventurer I have ever seen there that has stealth was "Dust", but in this instance he is absent and none of the available adventurers have stealth. So I am unable to proceed and unable to go back. Help? :(

I also get an error whenever I try to use an item and the shop menu is all messed up for me, but I assume these are early access bugs that you are already aware of? If not, I will give you more information.

Glad you're having fun!

As far as the work in the guild goes, all you need to do to proceed is to assign all available adventurers to a quest. If you don't have an adventurer fit for some quest, then don't worry about it.

I will try to make it more clear in the game in v0.1.5, as well as potentially adding a "finish early" button.

Consumables are broken in v0.1.4 and I have a fix ready for it. I also intend to redo the trading menu completely (if not now, then at some point). Thank you for the reports :)

It isn't allowing me to assign anyone because the scouting mission requires stealth and none of the displayed characters have stealth.