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First off, I have so many questions. So I've beaten the game and gotten both endings, and I would really like to know how depthy the story is. My friend and I have MANY theories as to what the backstory may be, and are itching to know what the intended story actually is.

So basically, is there a twisted, psychologically messed up backstory?

And is there a third-tier bucket?

Also, this is one of the best games I have ever played in my life. I downloaded this game originally as a joke because of the title, and ended up playing it for over 3 hours straight until beating it. This game shouldn't be free.

On that note, is there a way that I can donate through steam?

Wow, thank you so much!! I'm glad you liked the game so much. 

So, first of all: I really don't like telling people what the 'intended story' is. There is one I have in my head, but if I were to just tell you what it all meant, it would really ruin whatever mystery was left. I think coming up with theories is the real fun part of the story, and because of how its presented, it's open for many interpretations! So please, keep coming up with theories and discussing with others!! And sorry if that answer is disappointing, I just think its important for the game to maintain a sense of mystery.

I will be clear about this though: there isn't a third tier bucket :( 

If you want to support me via Steam, then you can always purchase the OST and/or the Making Of digital book! I believe OST is $1.99 USD and Making Of is $4.99 USD. 

Thanks again! :)