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This was truly wonderful. So many good endings <3 So many options available <3 I love how each option changes a lot in the story. Kudos to you author.

What really buggered me though was the lack of sound... it just... was really irritating for some reason :'3 Also, I don't know if there's a gallery hiding somewhere? I have played a couple of times so I don't know if it appears after unblocking something xD or maybe not (this one is not really a problem, just my curiosity xD :3)

I totally loved each and every detail of this game. I'm definitely following you >w< <3

Hey Meerkat! I'm the lead artist for the project! We had music planned, but that ended up falling through (the person was too busy to make it), so I made a Spotify playlist one could listen to while playing the game! I haven't posted a gallery of all the images yet, but I've posted a lot of them on my tumblr, tagged as ILUJam.

Thanks so much for playing our game! I should definitely upload the entire gallery of images at some point, maybe once the game's been released a little longer :)

Thank you so much for the playlist! It fits really well :D I just binge played with this playlist fueling me lol 100% completed!

Let me tell you, I fangirl SO MUCH over your art. Love your style, please keep sharing your lovely drawings.<3