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I think you can see the power of unreal here. Still, creating this all in a week is pretty impressive by itself. You should check out Beat Invaders on Steam. Your game has a similar vibe and is pretty successful. With some polish (and decent key mapping, this one bugged on after restarting the game) you might even earn some cash.

Thanks for your feedback, yes Unreal Engine is an impressive tool. I've been learning to use it for 3 years.

I have to admit that I had to spend 15 hours a day to do it in one week.

Did you have a problem with the key mapping? I'll look into it, thanks!

I will also check out Beat Invaders, I don't know it.

I'm thinking of continuing the development of this game but less in a hurry. I must have missed a lot of bugs there.

Thanks again, and I'll check out your game as soon as I get home.