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(1 edit)

Lost my favorite clan because the game stopped working. If anyone could walk me through how to save my cats and put them in another clan or add save data to a working game it would be greatly appreciated. Whenever I try to open the game when this happens it doesnt work

if you can use a program called Notepad++ (Not to be confused with just regular notepad), you can open up a file that contains all of your cats for that clan and their information such as names as well as various other data I haven't yet figured out the purpose of (most of them are numbers I can't decipher so far). Assuming it isn't corrupted, I haven't tried this out, but in theory you should be able to start a new clan, save it, open the new clan's cat file in N++, and copy+paste cats over from the old cat file. Save the changes you have made, and open that clan in the game; if it works, I imagine there will now be your favorite imported cats from the previous save file. 

I would make a backup of the newer clan just in case, though, as this could potentially corrupt or kill that save. I can't guarantee this will work, but I'm just thinking based on what little I do know.


Oh thanks! I dont have that application, so Ill have to see if I can get it. But for now Im waiting for an update to see if poor Tornclan will work then