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I love the plugin but I have a question, is there any way to download the most recently ranked songs? When I tell it to download (lets say 10) ranked songs, it downloads the 10 songs that were ranked first (I assume) and not the 10 most recently ranked songs. Any help would be amazing, this is the plugin I've been looking for for months!

I don't think the ScoreSaber API (the interface with ScoreSaber itself) allows for those types of requests. All of the sorting options in the tool are what the ScoreSaber API allows me to do. You could download every ranked song by getting the total and entering that. The ScoreSaber API is missing documentation (or I can't find it) and I don't have a good way to find the total number of ranked songs using scripts. If I could, I could just make it work backwards from there.

Thanks for the reply, hopefully they change that soon cause my song collection is getting pretty big!