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(1 edit) (+1)

Hey HoleyGhost, 

Thanks for bringing a maze game into the mix. However I didn't enjoy it too much, here's some things from me:

  • The sound was not very nice to listen to. At the beginning, footsteps were panned to the right and the other thing was panned to the left.
  • I did complete the first level however it wasn't clear that I had to kill all the aliens before moving onto the platform.
  • I did not complete the second level, I saw the locked gate, the locked door, and the platform that teleported me but nothing else.
  • I feel like the problem with maze games is that they are mostly luck if there are no cues to direct the player. Furthermore adding action to it, does not allow me to map the maze into my head - as I'm pre-occupied with staying alive, which eliminates any strategy for it.
  • Also the movement was not too fun, it didn't feel responsive and I was sliding everywhere. That might be what you were aiming for, but personally it wasn't enjoyable.

But overall, I'm impressed with the features list and work put into this. The health bars, fps shooting, cutscenes, enemies, level switching have been well done and there were no bugs that I encountered.

Thanks for putting in ESC to close the game! Another win for not needing to bring up task manager.

Hi Tanicorn,
Thank you very much for trying out my game and taking the time to leave some very welcome feedback!
You have made some really valuable points and I will be sure to keep them in mind in my future endeavours.
Take care and happy gaming :)
Holey Ghost