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As someone who likes to do Sudoku puzzles from time to time, this really turned things on their head for me. I'm used to taking my time and spending a good 10 minutes or so solving a puzzle depending on the difficulty, but here all of that goes out the window and you've just got to frantically find the easiest solutions you can as quickly as you can... it's like Sudoku mashed with Warioware! It's a completely different experience than what I was expecting but I also like a good fast paced game so it definitely works. As others have said, the production value is clearly top notch especially considering the time constraints of a game jam.

Good to hear that even a sudoku fan enjoyed the spin on them I decided to make. Wouldn't be much point in the game if it was just like normal sudoku puzzles. The further you go in the game, the further it actually gets from filling "normal" sudokus.

And I'm more accustomed to 48 hour jams so a full week isn't that much of a constraint, feels like eternity. 😅