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Lol it's okat, throw me questions anytime you like x'D

If you click the paypal button, there a new page from wixsite should pop up. Pick Early Bird $10 from the dropdown menu and click Buy Now. It will send the money to my paypal and I will archive it.

Deleted 5 years ago
(1 edit)

um, okay so I assume you don't have a paypal account and that's why you're confused? ><

If you have a paypal account, you only need to login and then the $10 will be paid from your paypal account/credit card, which you connect to paypal.

I'm not sure what you're trying to do though. The paypal button is not the Download Now button. I'm talking about the big 'Pledge with Paypal' button right above it, in the game description (yes, the big yellow rectangle with paypal logo) ><; I hope this clears the misunderstanding?

Deleted 5 years ago

No, it's okay! Don't apologize x'D
The paypal button could be mistaken as only an image lol~

Deleted 5 years ago