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For anyone who is wondering about the speech hooks, I felt that there were a couple of sets missing that would add flavor to the game. The first set was an Undressing set, similar to the PawnClothes set. These lines pop up in the classic mode where an opponent pawns an item of clothing, but there is nothing like these in the streamlined mode. I thought that having an opponent announce what item they are removing would help with immersion a little. Of course, these same hooks could be included in the classic version as well. The second, and much smaller, set of hooks is a set for the ladies to taunt a player when they lose the game. As it stands, there is only a set of WatchUndress hooks for when a player loses any item. This means, by necessity, they are somewhat bland and non-specific. For this I proposed an additional WatchLoseGame hook set for when the player finally loses their last item. However, on further thought, I realized that those hooks might need a minor tweek for them to work properly. because the taunting would be different depending on whether the player's avatar is male or female. So it might require a WatchLoseGameMale and WatchLoseGameFemale pair of hooks? With an additional line in the opponent properties file stating gender? Therefore, the male player avatars would have a Gender=Male line, and the female opponent files would have a Gender=Female line. That way, CSP could easily identify the gender of avatar being used by the player, if they are using one of the opponents as their avatar. Thinking more long term, and in the name of diversity, it might also serve a use if someone decides to create male opponent packs, or maybe packs featuring couples, as the original Strip Poker Pro series did.

So, they were my thoughts, and I thank Eldricus for his patience in listening to me whine at him for these things :-) I'm sure that I'm missing other speech hook sets though.