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awesome! Thanks for the feedback. Some notes:

- yeah I recognize visual feedback is something that is super lacking at the moment. Arms/body animations are actually something I’m going to add, but it’s one of time things I just haven’t had the time to get to yet. 

- Swimming is indeed SUPER janky at the moment, and it’s actually the first thing I was planning on working on once the map was finished. I expect an update will come over the next couple weeks. 

- the gun lag is purely visual; when you fire, the gun snaps to the crosshairs and stops lagging until it goes back into a resting state. That said, I recognize how important it is that the gun visually points to where you’re shooting. This is something I probably should have made *way*  more clear, but there are a number of options in the setting menu to tweak things like that. There is actually a slider specifically for how fast the gun tracks to the camera motion.  I can’t remember what the default is set to, but if you wanted to give it another go, you can find all of these settings under the “accessibility“ tab in the settings menu.