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-Whose route would you choose first? And why?

probably nitori's! I like him the most of the three. he seems to know something about the MC's situation, which makes him mysterious, and he's so adorable! i can relate to his quest to have friends but not really going about it well.

I hope the MC becomes a little nicer over the course of the game! that being said I love how serious and hardworking she is. It's nice to see an otome game protagonist who's so businesslike--I personally don't like protagonists who are extremely lazy. still though, being serious doesn't mean she has to be a jerk. of course, there's plenty of room for her character development, so I'm looking forward to it owo

-Which version did you play? PC and Android uwu

-What's your favorite scene/event? my fav scene was when hakumei first learns of her curse. 

-Are you interested in playing the full release? hell yeah