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I liked assasin kings idea of making some historical battles so i wanted to bring this idea back, write a battle in the in the comment section here that i could make a squad version of

an optionb would be the battle of manzikert

this is how seljuk armour could look like

and this is how byzantine armour could look like


Don't you wanna be in the next division? To get there you can change your name or change your logo. Send me your current logo and yeah


So i gonna change my name here and on narrow one?and here logo

Yeah. For your name here is an example: assassin king DC. OR. assassin dragon. you can send me you logo on itch and discord and i'll edit it! 

We learned about it in history

we didnt, in germany weo mostly ww1 and ww2



or the battle of legnano

maybe even the battle of peking during the boxer rebellion, but the time period doesnt realy fit and we dont really have fitting uniforms

haha my uniform fits

really, in the depictions of the boxer rebellion it looks different

heres a photo of a boxer uniform

maybe like this

that doesn't look like a chinese. at all.

it does look like a boxer

heres how their armour looked like

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they were rebels so they didnt have thick or even any armour

chinese have good guerilla warfare tactics, they didn't need armor.

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did you know the chinese repeating crossbow was used against western people who used guns? Idk what the time period is tho


