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Hmm, that's strange, we haven't heard of any issues with this, so I think that this may be an issue on your side. One person did mention having issues, but it turned out they were using a separate storage device. A couple of questions to check:

- Are you playing on the same device with the same memory storage (for example, the same hard drive)?

- Do you have any anti-virus software or PC clean-up tool that might be deleting your save files by mistake?

None of them above. But if this isnt a common issue, it's probably something on my side. I will look into it and try things out :)

A 'saves' folder is in the game files should show 'SAVE files'. There is often also another place on your PC where they are backed up. Have a play around and see if it does the same when we put out our next release, and let us know. I hope that you can work it out!