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(1 edit) (+3)

Thanks for the reply.

Tags, I don't know, probably just a bunch related to the content of the game, like "imps", "expansion" and "weight gain" and such. Maybe "management"? The game kinda fits a lot of molds.

Also, no, the game freezing, nothing seemed to work, I couldn't click out of it or anything. Clicked all over the screen, all the buttons, the imp itself, nothing.
The problem with bug hunting there is that I don't think I was doing anything out of the ordinary, so I think bughunting for that could stay on the back-burner to wait and see if anyone else has the same lockup, preferably in some way that makes it easier to repeat.

EDIT: the game just froze up again, this time after a successful imp run. Clicked everywhere, no response.

Okay, I'm starting to run into the issue as well, and I'm unsure what's causing the problem... Mine usually occurs while I'm tapping the "Perform Duty"/"Revive" area. I'll have to look into it as it's causing progress loss from last autosave :/