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At first Great game i would love to see more of it.

Also if you could go for the story more in the supernatural-ish direction with the little romance thing

would like to see that :3

and sorry for my english grammar ^^"


Hey thanks! Happy you enjoyed Paramedium!
We look forward to doing more episodes in the future (=

If you geht the game on steam with a 10-15 hour story and in the best case animated scenes, i would pay a lot money for the game

20-30 bucks i guess vor even more :3

Glad to hear that! We are trying to get another game on Steam right now called, Faulty Apprentice. If you could give that a vote we would really appreciate it! (=
Faulty Apprentice on Steam Greenlight:

Already did that :) i hope it comes to steam looking forward to it

Hey! Thanks again for all the support. There are only 5 hours left to rate Paramedium in the HalloweenJam2016:

This would be a HUGE win for my small indie-studio, so if you enjoyed the game please give us a positive rating (=