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speenrunning flag is more efficient for coin but farm killing/spawnkilling is just so much fun

C'mon man... You gotta be kidding me. IT IS NO FUN FOR ANYBODY ON THE RECIEVING END OF YOUR FARMING I'll tell you that much! Snipers and Spawn killers suck!

It's just cruel! Even I wouldn't do that.

I would. I have the skill, and an oppurtunity to farm is rare for people like me and Aussua. Besides, nature's rule is "survival of the fittest". I remember being noob. It was hard, but idk if im too smart or something cause I became mediocre fast.

Me personally spawn killing is a very common thing I just don't spawn kill players like b2dk cause they'll get real mad and probly rage quit

Lol. Yeah

Look I'ma be blunt with ya I understand you but I really just don't care 

Just being able to sit there and spawn kill 5 players feels so good

Yeah, i get you.

(1 edit)

well if you get ten carrier kills in 20 sec you'll get a score of 1200 per or more minute, getting 12000 in ten minutes, but only if people cooperate with u. ALso, defenders may kill you if there are any.

Speed running is less games and u can get more matches in in a shorter time span that way (assuming everything goes smoothly)