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Hi! Thanks for the reply, and sorry again for the technical issues.

Is this your first time playing Emberfate, or did you play the old demo previously of Day 1-2?

Upon the first playthrough of this v0.2.1 build, a tutorial should be there at the start of the game. This is what it looks like on my end when I run the game, but that appears to be missing from your screenshot. Can you confirm whether you've played through the tutorial once before? Were the previous tutorial tips showing up before the first dialogue choice point?

If possible, please go into Settings and check if there's a Tutorial Hints setting that can be toggled on and off. It theoretically should not be in the Settings menu until you've played through the start of the game (i.e. finish the tutorial) once, but if it's there, please check to see if it's turned on or off.

Another thing you can do if to delete all persistent data and save files for Emberfate. Check in the following location:

  • Windows: %AppData\Roaming\RenPy\
  • Mac: $HOME/Library/RenPy/
  • Linux: $HOME/.renpy/

If you see any folders called EmberfateTempestofElements, whether it's

EmberfateTempestofElementsPublic-1631333206 or

EmberfateTempestofElementsDemo-1631333206, delete all the contents inside those Emberfate folders. 

Then delete all previous extracted game folders of the game, including past builds. And redownload and re-extract the game to a different folder again. 

If none of those work, if you have a Discord account, please consider joining our Discord server ( and then sending me a PM. It'll be easier to troubleshoot and try to figure out what the issue is in a direct conversation. 

Apologies again for the strange bug. Thank you for your patience!

Deleting the files in the %AppData\Roaming\RenPy\ folder worked! Thank you! And it was my first time playing and the tutorial did pop up. I think it's just one of those random things, haha. Again, thank you so much!