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I downloaded it but the sprites seem extremely low res. Did I miss something? Looks way better on the storefront than in Unity.


I fixed it, but maybe should add this information to the 'Readme.txt'. When adding the sprites to unity, to remove the 'blurry' look to them go to Inspector > Advanced > Filter Mode, and then change Filter Mode to Point (no filter). In addition to this, go to Inspector > Advanced > Compression, and then change compression from 'Normal Quality' to 'None'. After these changes are made, the pixels should look a LOT better for your project. Hope this helps other users who ran into the same difficulties I did.


I don't use Unity so that kind of infos are something I'm not aware of! I've exported everything in 1:1 because that's the best thing to do on my side to be sure everyone will be able to use these assets correctly in function of the engine.

Thanks a lot for the tip then, I hope people will see it if they encounter the same problem :)


I think that's more for any pixel art that is imported into a Unity Project and not a specific issue with this asset