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Shining Street 21 really has much more futuristic visuals, and the use of cutscenes really makes your art style stand out. It works really well, and the effect on the monsters felt as if they were reduced gave them a cleaner image when attacking.

Honestly the game was great, between the Dr Shtraus games the art style stands out, it really does have this perfect mix of clean and stylized futuristic feel. The cutscenes really give me a strong comic book feel, as the moments of actions are massively brought to the centre of the screen. While the combat does pose a challenge it is a reaction and keeps you on your toes.

Thanks for messaging me about playing them. It was definitely worth playing a game that has managed to build its own identity.

Thank you very much for your feedback. I am glad that you liked it and you paid attention to two of my games at once.  It gives strength to make games!)