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I had to play through both games to really feel what the series is like, same as I did for ReveVoodoo. You really have made a distinct art style for your games, honestly when I first started playing I was surprised at how visually standout the levels are, as well as the monster. Gameplay was fun, the enemies really fling at you and you have limited time to react, only got stuck at one point when you are exiting outside and the big one runs at you. My first thought was I have to get to the interaction on the left of the screen. Till I realised after a few deaths you just need to unload like hell into them.

Really love the futuristic world with monsters, the story is really interesting and really loved playing through both games.

Thank you very much Meeka Nomicon  for your feedback. It is very nice when a player can share with me their impressions of the game. It's  very valuable for me.