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I agree with dev, there are depths and depths to this concept. Having just played the updated 29 levels, I was left feeling like I wish there were a bunch more and maybe even a few more mechanics/types of switch along the way. But even without adding anything, the combination of being able to drop hand and for the players to push each other I think has bottomless potential for brain-melting puzzles. Hard part's just designing them. But boy howdy, if you start adding simple stuff every few levels like, say, a tile which allows rotation of the player (but only if actuated by the other player?) this thing could approach nearly BaBa levels of epicness.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, glad to hear we're not the only ones who see the mechanical potential of the game :D. You're not wrong about it being challenging making the puzzles. The rotating panel idea is a great one that in hindsight I feel surprised we hadn't thought of it, it's now in the idea pool, thanks!