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Aiee! Get well soon Jason and thanks for the reply. I (obviously) started hacking the game as soon as I got hold of the Word file (thanks for that by the way, really appreciated. I should do this for my own game!).  I added an ability penalty for each Decay (had to change some of them to spread the love among all stats and to fit on a single line).


    1. Solid black eyes (-1 WIS)
    2. Rattling shiver (-1 DEX)
    3. Shedding dust (-1 CON)
    4. Translucent skin (-1 CHA)
    5. Forgetfulness (-1 INT)
    6. Constant tinnitus (-1 WIS)
    7. Gangrenous flesh (-1 CON)
    8. Putrid stench (-1 CHA)
    9. Rigor mortis (-1 DEX)
    10. Pulsating muscles (-1 STR)
    11. Flayed limb (-1 STR)
    12. Hallucinations (-1 INT)
    13. Black veins (-1 CON)
    14. Sleeplessness (-1 INT)
    15. Gaping wound (-1 CON)
    16. Tears of blood (-1 WIS)
    17. Maggots (-1 CHA)
    18. Frost-rimed (-1 DEX)
    19. Scuttling beetles (-1 CHA)
    20. Numbness (-1 STR)

    ooh nice addition