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Oh my gosh this game is so so so so so so so so good! The way in which the game plays like a day in the life, trying to fit in, it's v relatable. This game actually tells a story, and not in the way that most games normally do. This is special, and definitely one of the SBIGJam games I'll remember in years to come.

SPOILERS: Idk why itch doesn't have spoiler tags 😑 Ceasar shift of 1 ahead:

Uif xbz jo xijdi uif hbnf't eftdsjqujpo bdujwfmz mjft up zpv jt tp efwjmmjti, zfu tvdi b gvdljoh hppe jefb! Bu gjstu, J uipvhiu J xbt tusvhhmjoh bt J uipvhiu J xbt hfuujoh upp nboz gmpxfst boe opu fopvhi upsupjtft, cvu uifo ju gmjqqfe po nf!

J eje foe vq qmbzjoh gps uif 2oe ujnf, boe hfuujoh uibu tfdsfu foejoh! J'n hmbe uif cjse jt ibqqz opx. J bn upp.

Overall, this game is something else. I can't sing it's praises enough. Such a finely packaged narrative and gameplay experience is not usually seen in SBIGJam. I haven't even mentioned the lovely music, the beautiful art and backdrops, and the sheer variety of minigames! This is a stellar entry! Well done!