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It was never made to be hostile, but when made public I can see why you think that. 

We never submitted a DMCA take down. That takes a lot of legal work, and never something we were planning on doing. I hope you don't see this as a lie, and we've only done our best to be transparent and keep things less confusing for people who have only seen part of things. 

There won't be any "forced changes" by us or anyone. With all your vigor and passion I hope you can at least support other lewd game creators! 


Nice semantics. You didn't submit a "DMCA takedown," true - you submitted a copyright claim through Itch. Different mechanisms, same effect.


Also not a copyright claim claim! Just a report so we could get things down in writing. Was never made to be public. Semantics are important when you deal with things like this. 


I will say this, a DMCA takedown does not require a lot of work, it's a simple 1 page form you fill out