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Hey! Thanks for the detailed feed back! Some of the features that you're talking about here are already in the post jam version of the game. Mines don't immediately explode, they show a bomb icon that flashes for a bit until it explodes. These explosions are bigger, and will set off bomb timers around them! This can make things more frantic, and put the abundance of health power ups to better use. I can always look at other fonts, that's an easy thing to fix. 

Initially there was a penalty for clicking the wrong program, but that made the game too hard for those who play tested.  It was too unforgiving for most, and I've found that difficulty for jam games can be hard to peg down. So I will often lean towards what keeps people playing over difficulty. It was hard enough to explain to some people how to play, as most people don't experiment anymore and expect directions on how to play, hence the tutorial. At a minimum, I could add some sort of audio feedback for the wrong program being used to start. 

Overall, I just need to add some more feed back to the player on actions they take. There is some, but could use more on good and bad actions. I really appreciate the detailed feed back and recommendations! Thank you for taking the time to play and rate the game!