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For some reason, I've been sitting on giving this game a try for a little bit. But I finally downloaded the demo and made it to Level 8. 

First, I think the art design with the larger pixel size is phenomenal. You've done an amazing job putting so much detail and character into a small pixel density. The aesthetic is beautiful and the scrolling background sets a great stage.

Second, the color scheme sets a great tone by being just a bit cool and dark, so it gives everything a calm moody vibe. Loop Hero is very grimdark with its gray and brown color scheme, whereas I think Slice & Dice has a slightly more inviting vibe by using the wider spectrum. Makes for a great experience to play in the dark.

Third, I really enjoy the game loop. It's a simple and clear concept that honestly makes me like the turn-based battle mechanic more than I ever have in classic JRPGs. I usually hate turn-based battle planning, but the dice and re-rolls gives it an angle that keeps me engaged and checking for the best strat.

I think I'll give the demo another go and will very likely be picking up a full copy in the near future.

Looking forward to what else you've got in development as well.