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(2 edits) (+3)

Thank you so much for reading :3

I think most of the design here I found/learnt from renpy cookbook, and some of these older UI designs may look similar to ToS. Plus, I wasn't that experienced with code at that point.(I have never written in python and renpy until I started making this game lol) So I didn't change from the tutorial. And of course, some of the UI are inspired by ToS like the dressing up function in inventory system. I hope it would be different enough, without needing to add/remove a function to differentiate myself. Though I can assure that a lot of the earlier UI are default ren'py engine stuff lol. 

Giving credit is always a good idea, I should have done it officially sooner regardless.

(One can dream for a crossover... haha)


That's what I thought with UI. And your welcome! ^^