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Spoiler alert! I reveal aspects of the game demo that you may wish to experience for yourself. Please skip video and commentary to avoid spoilers.

What I like about this game: 

* Character sprite art - the main character's pouty face when her friend Mara tries to recruit her as a bakery helper is just priceless. 

* Programming - the cinematography is like watching a movie, so professionally executed, it's flawless. From one high definition computer graphic cut scene, you see the main character from bottom to top to end on her face for impact. Then a pan out to see the bigger picture with background details to set the scene. Masterful and brilliant. The assassin fight scenes are cleverly integrated with backgrounds, transitions and sound effects. 

* Character designs for main character, love interests and even side supporting characters - so much care and attention to detail, truly delightful for the eye!

* Music - the trailer and just loading the game showcase the awesome sound tracks that accompany this game. Very cool. 

* Writing and Story - Props to Aeriel (Donut Duchess) for directing such an awesome otome game. The story is unique. I don't see many dark otome games with demo's so well executed. Bravo!