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-the logo intro is convoluted, split it into ^^^ then Unity or drop Unity, or make it appear after a delay or hold it longer, I'd prefer keep length, drop Unity
-options menu has all this unused space and yet you have to scroll down for 2 options and there's text for ants:  (1360x768 windowed), why even
-smooth window resizing is nice
-scroll bar appears before you can even scroll, the graphics for it are also out of place
-option font is borderline readable, bold font looks unappealing
-"Privacy" option should say (opens in your browser)
-clicking privacy with no internet does nothing
-the main menu option spacing is visibly uneven, though my shitty offset detection is very sharpened
-when you select a thing, the zoom-to animation is disorienting, either slow it down or motion blur it or teleport, or better yet, zoom out into a large view and zoom back into the target
-the UI feels all-over in general with the odd fonts, their sizes, colors, alignments; try making the differences impactful, otherwise it's overwhelming: e.g. BACK on the left and then ⁰/¹⁰⁰ ᴰᴺᴬ in the middle
-"Aquarium game mode - play around with things you have ever obtained in Campaign mode": all but the first class shows up locked
-the last class is just a tinted first one
-rebinding keys allows setting the same key in multiple places
-no idea what [strafe] does
-I'd prefer the dash on [space] and [mouse 1] to extend the clawthings
-the aquarium is very empty, nothing to see when fully zoomed out, a rough indicator of stuff would be useful
-large 10+ component ships are as fast as the 1+claw me, can't escape shit
-starting with nothing and then growing is too hard when you're both slow and there's nothing to collect and all mobs will chase you relentlessly even if the effort for them is high for what they'll get
-no idea what the leeches do

My probably main issue with this game is the clashing UI style with the game, the game is gorgeous with the depth of colors and good water imitation, but then you have some generic garbage inconsistent UI on top to dilute the quality. The progression is also way too slow, I don't have the patience to float around for minutes seeing nothing.
