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idk who that is

oh yeah tg aurora blast?

yea with the Uchiha and tg alliance yea that's him

I was thinking about incoporating small/dying clans into divisions in my clan ( they'll still be somewhat individual).

like battalions

i will need a lot of men to do that

We're allied?

he was on before you i think that's why

yeah hes on itch

I'm gonna make a clan later, maybe I can form an alliance sometime later?

yea if you want to i am a ally

Im making a fearless clan, the main division will be fearless players, maybe a uchicha divsion? u can still command ppl under ur division.

and request reinforcements from other divsions and stuff


i can be your ally 

i still got to stick to being the lord of the uchiha clan

so ur ally

Hey. I'm on Discord. PRO KING 2 and others are on there. I can convince them. I already asked Ansy in his server