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Excellent work! In all aspects! Your game is top notch. The graphics look fantastic, the animations are great, the color palette is harmonious, the sound FX (they even come from different directions!!!) and background music - all great. The controls also feel really good.  It's late here, so I had to quit for tonight  when I found the robot. Will continue tomorrow.

BUT one thing really breaks my heart. Why don't you provide a browser based version of your game? So many people will just turn away because of this - and will miss the chance to enjoy such a great game. This is a petty...

(5 edits) (+1)

A decision was made early on to use Wwise for the audio solution to enable us to deliver audio at the quality you've received it here. Wwise sadly does not support WebGL.

Oversight on my part (I headed the sound implementation). I work regularly with Wwise but I'm fairly new to publishing on itch -- while the rest of the team has more experience there. I hadn't considered the limitation that would put on us when it came time to publish, and the rest of the team just was not aware until we were far too committed.

All that said, glad to hear you enjoy what that sacrifice enabled us to do! :)