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The game is really nice, but I didn’t really like how blurry the text is Also I just don’t think a TTS voice would fit such a cute cat, though it’s a nice touch.

The collisions are a bit janky, sometimes if you bonk into something with holding a direction you move the other way, so it was a bit tough trying to climb to the clouds after already falling down.

But overall, its a really nice game, the concept is fun, the execution is nice, text usage is pretty good. I would love to see this get expanded into a full-game.


Thanks for the feedback and playing my game!

The blurry text for the sprites is definitely something I'll be working to fix in the future, a lot ended up losing quality in their journey from Google Docs to a photo editor to remove the white background to Unity. The TTS was also just a little idea I found funny with the theme of everything being text, but could change in the future. And that collision problem... yeah. I'm still not sure exactly what's causing it but when I have the time to expand this game I'll definitely be working on figuring that out.