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Really awesome concept and base, but there's certainly massive room for improvement.

First and foremost, the ability to resize (dynamically) would make things so much nicer, and not be confined to multiple predefined sizes

Secondly, sound design; I know it sounds silly but this application could seriously benefit from some softer, more user-friendly sounds. Things like the clear sound effect, send, etc. are very harsh on the ears and I find myself muting the application very often.

Thirdly, polish! Please, more polish would make using this so, SO much better. Things like:

- Enlarging icons when the mouse is hovering over them

- Small animations for user feedback when you do things like clear your messaging area, send a message, or long-press on the pen icon. Something like screen shake or a small border that quickly flashes would make your actions feel much smoother.

And lastly, for PC users, please please PLEASE allow us to use SHIFT + ENTER, or just ENTER to send a message. It'd make things much nicer.

Seriously though, amazing app, and I hope this grows and becomes more refined over time.