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Kinda sad that buying maximum dice roll doesn't work, never rolled above 6. I also feel like having the board be random too doesn't help, you have no control so it's not fun randomness and if you're unlucky you can completely miss out on upgrades either through having no shop or having no fights to get gold.

The attack buff should also definitely tick down at the end of next turn and not end of that turn, at least if you had no buff prior, cause getting 1 on a buff means you essentially do nothing.

I also feel like the base value of actions (and health/damage of ennemies) should be higher so that you don't feel like you're just skipping a turn if you get less than 3 and rerolling would be more interesting that way as you'd still lose some power but with some guaranteed base damage/shield/etc, you would be more inclined to fish for specific effects (that's kinda the case already when you get an upgrade but I feel that should be the default, it just feels much better)

You've outlined all my problems with this game perfectly. It's a shame this probably won't get updated, though.