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Very well made  game here. really like the aesthetic, very strong Witness vibes throughout. I would have hoped for some more challenging puzzles and maybe some ones revolving around perspective. Other then that I had a blast playing it even if it was only for 30 or so minutes :). Is this the final version or will this world be expanded upon? It would be cool to uncover more about this story and who this fox may be hiding from. That was probably one of the downsides the Witness has over a game like this, the story was almost nonexistent! Anyways, Good luck on your future development!

I'll expand it with more chapters if people like it enough! Seems like they do, I'm having a really good coupla weeks here due to the response!

RE: perspective puzzles. Yeah, I like those too, but ...can't crib TOO much from the Witness... ; )


Just another random thought. I had to open a notepad to memorize the order for the final puzzle. It might be an interesting mechanic to incorporate that into the game and develop puzzles around utilizing this notepad. Thanks for the great little experience :)