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(1 edit)

How to access doughnuts early (before creepy ending):

1: Prepare yourself for possible suicide

2: Get at least one stamina item (mandarin/chocolate/muffin)

3: Be one sticker away from finishing every decoration

4: Inititate secret ending

5: Go to between the cauldron and the wall (towards the gift room) to confuse Phonty and make him bust down the door to the gift room (bug/glitch)

6: Place down the last sticker so Mr. Mix unblocks the entrance to the delicious doughnuts

7: Rush away, go around the table to dodge Phonty and go to the end of the gift room so Phonty gets confused AGAIN and breaks the door to the doughnut room (bug/glitch)

8: When you're ready, get the heck out of there and run around the table again

9: Go to the doughnuts room and get confused because Viktor didn't even turn evil yet and mrdrnose says his outfit should be on the floor already

10: Unless you gave yourself enough time after swiping the doughnuts to escape just before Phonty gets in, prepare to die

11: Added bonus if you actually escape with the doughnuts early (eat one for more stamina)

Also if you do this and keep running away he'll survive the disappearance