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I gotta be honest, I loved this game. Short, sweet, to the point and has some solid tension at the beginning, because you don't know how much time you have to do everything. Once you get to the third set of things you have to do, it does feel like you have lots of time so the tension feels a little less. Idk why the killer shows up randomly either, he just kinda chills and watches me. No clue if he can kill me while I'm busy doing other things or not. I never did die to him stalking me down the halls and it did catch me off guard. The character models are pretty funny to me, and I'm not putting that as a negative, but I did laugh as I kept seeing new models show up. Overall, I really enjoy this game. I would've played it more for the good ending, but I just didn't have enough time to play it again. Good game, simple concept and story, lots of fun and it has some potential to be replayed, because you're probably gonna make some mistakes and screw up your first run. Almost guaranteed


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Thank you so much, and thanks as well for playing.