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Played the 2.14 version from gumroad, and had a fun time with it and loved how much the story has progressed and where it's been hoing so far with the plotline. I did have an error or two pop up, but luckily nothing at a point that was inconvenient or made me feel upset or annoyed.

I will say, without spoiling 2.14 of course. A comment Thor (I believe that's the mayor's name, if not I apologize) made near the end of it about Samson made my fan theory/fan wishes go nuts. Now I have conflicting shipping going on. Thanks for that, lol.

Keep up the great work with that game and best of luck with the endeavors so far.

Hello! I'm very glad you are liking the story so much! ^_^

And yeah, I had to put some "seeds" at the end of that version with the hope to make them grow in chapter 3. Let's see how that goes :)