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Not caring about continuity in a story-driven game?
Perhaps we should write a story about a blind girl, but have her obviously able to see, but still point out that she is blind, despite all the evidence to the contrary.
If you're going to point out the streams have no audio, and point out the reason there's no audio, there shouldn't be any comments that contradict those statement. It's bad story writing.
That said, it's not like many people even pay attention to the chat when playing this game. Still figured we'd point it out in case it was unintentional.

brooo chill, It's a game. And yes the comments and news are from discord. Don't worry too much on that small comment.


Yo homie chill tf out its just a porn vn if u have take ur life this srsly u might have a bitch instead being here ☠️

broo 💀💀

I don't think so. We have so many mental issues that not pointing out story inconsistancies in a game we enjoy isn't going to get us any local romantic interests.

Autism, split personalities, anxiety, trust issues, and paranoia are the ones we know off the top of our head.