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(1 edit)

Hiya just wanted to leave a little review. I like this menu system a lot. It has every feature I could want and it looks fantastic. The menu array is pretty simple to work with. I also love that the settings can be auto-saved! My only complaint would be how non-modular oMenu is from the input and pausing system. My project has been using jujuadam's input and a custom pause system. Because of that, I had to go behind the scenes and change some things to my liking which luckily wasn't too difficult but a little disappointing. Even with that, this asset is still more than worth the purchase. Menu systems are a pain, and this alleviates all of that. Thanks!

Thank you for the kind words! I’m starting to see more and more people use jujuadam’s input, and I’ve been thinking for a while if I should add official support for it, or because technically it does everything my input system does, and a lot more I should just swap out mine for it. Do you think this would make the menu system significantly better?

Input supports a vast amount of controllers and has a ton of amazing features. Competing with it would be very hard to do. I don't think including juju's input in this project would be the best idea since you don't know what "verbs" the player will be using. However, I think that supporting other input systems would greatly add to the value of this asset. The menu system itself is where this asset really shines. I was hoping that there would be some configuration where I could provide my own functions to control the menu such as:

    controls = {
        up: function() {
            return input_check_pressed("up");
        left: function() ...