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A member registered Aug 06, 2019 · View creator page →

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You need to sign the app with an Apple developer account (which costs a $100/year) for it to run on other peoples devices. You know, just the apple way of doing things.

There is a workaround tough, open the terminal and type xattr -cr {path to the app}, and it will bypass the “protection”. The next time you try to open the app it should work.

Thank you for the kind words! I’m starting to see more and more people use jujuadam’s input, and I’ve been thinking for a while if I should add official support for it, or because technically it does everything my input system does, and a lot more I should just swap out mine for it. Do you think this would make the menu system significantly better?

Yes, just remove the oMenu. and it’ll work.

I finally found the bug, it should be working now.

I don’t even know why it worked with the VM compiler in the first place, the code was trying to access a variable which didn’t exist in that scope. Anyway, GameMaker is weird sometimes. Please tell me if it works now.

(1 edit)

I did some testing and it works for me, same version same compiler. I found some posts online that suggest using the VM compiler, which might fix it for you. Or maybe you could try updating your Visual Studio version, I tested it with the 2022 Community Edition.

I didn’t have time to make the levels fully random, so I have a big map and take a random window from it.

This is likely because the app is not signed correctly, but until this is fixed we can work around it. Open the Terminal (it’s in the utilities folder in applications) paste this in “xattr -cr “ (without the quotes), then find the learn GDScript app in finder, copy it and paste it after the previous command. Now it should look something like this:

xattr -cr /Users/user/Downloads/Learn\ To\ Code\ With\

Press enter, and now it should open.

To clarify a bit, this basically tells your Mac to ignore that this app is not from a verified developer.

Nice game, I like the look of it. I would have a few suggestions tho, the menu transitions are a bit too slow for me, and the slide could be a little longer it’s pretty hard to get it right, if this is by intention then never mind, but I find it a bit hard.

(1 edit)

This is great! I love the art and sound, definitely getting some Celeste vibes. The puzzles are at a good difficulty level and really make you think. It was hard to get used to jumping with the c for me, so if you could add more input methods like WASD and jumping with the up arrow, that would be great.

I really liked the story. I’ll give this 8 emus out of 10.

(2 edits)

The graphics and sound design are top-notch, the story is also outstanding, it has so much depth to it. I rate this game 98 broccoli out of 43. Keep it going!

Hi, I enjoyed the game, good art style and music, feels smooth. I would have a few suggestions on the gameplay though, I would add some extra mechanics because after I found an optimal strategy there were no real challenges, I almost always won. My strategy is approach to the closest sunlight and when the branch can reach it use both of them and move the minimum amount and put more and more branches until the light is out of reach, then go to the next one or up if none is visible. And also a few times sunlight spawns in walls where it can’t be reached.

This bug was theoretically fixed in the last version, so try downloading it again. If it still happens, let me know.

Hello, I unfortunately do not have the mobile export license, so I cannot test it out, but I looked into it and mouse functions should translate to touch when run on mobile, so theoretically it should work. If you purchase it and encounter any issues, I can help fix them. It would be good to know if it works on mobile anyway. If we can’t get it to work, there is an option for refund.

Pretty clever game! I liked the idea, but I would have one suggestion: the game would feel much better if there would be music synced with the gameplay. It would also help to hit the buttons on time.

I tried it, pretty good game, I wrote you some suggestions on the game page. By the way, can I put your game into a “games made with the system” section? You would be first.

Hello, I tried out the game, it’s pretty good. I would have one suggestion, so if you start to shoot you can’t get moving until you stop shooting, and if you move you can’t change shoot direction. I don’t know if this is intentional but I would change it so either you shoot in the direction you move and if you press up it shoots upwards or to have a different move and shoot direction so you could move with the WASD keys and shoot with the arrow keys or the other way around.

And I also got this error when I died. I guess you destroy the player instance and then try to find it with the enemy but it no longer exists.

############################################################################################ ERROR in action number 1 of Step Eventobj_enemy_patrol for object obj_bullet:

Unable to find any instance for object index ‘3’ name ‘obj_player’ at gml_Object_obj_bullet_Collision_obj_enemy_parent ############################################################################################ gml_Object_obj_bullet_Collision_obj_enemy_parent (line -1)

Thanks for sharing. I’ll definitely check it out!

It does not have it currently but I can add it to it if its important to you.

I’m from Hungary.

(4 edits)

Hi, here is an example for the menu layout in the docs. I’ll also upload the demo I used in the promo video soon.

(Edit) The example project is now available.

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The beta mac version is missing the gmedit application itself, it’s only a basic electron installation, so I added the beta app only to it. However, even after this if I open the app it’s blank and doesn’t go any further than “Starting up…”.

Okay, I’ll consider them.

(1 edit)

Hello, I’m glad you’re happy with the asset.

So I couldn’t figure out why is the first issue happening to you but try setting oMenu.menu_option to 0. For instance, in another object’s create event which gets created later. It’s not an elegant solution but I think it’ll work.

So the menu doesn’t work with mouse control, and it would be hard to implement it but if you really need it I can add it in the next update.

And the bottom left thing is a bug so I released a patch for it, so download it and adjust the menu_pos x and y in the look struct in oMenu.

I hope it helpes.