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We have updated our demo to be a little more easier...

We realized how impossible the game was, so much that your average time could be less than 30 seconds. This week is a week for me to get back into developing Dashing Rocket, so I try to make my programming as chill as possible.

Today's updates:

- Enemy Level Framework

- Death Particle Color Update

- Score Calculation Rework

To make our game easier, I programmed a way for us to specify when a certain enemy is allowed to be randomly spawned. Instead of having the fast enemies spawn at the beginning, we will spawn it after the player reaches level four. We have two arrays shown in the inspector to define our enemies and when they are allowed to be spawned, and we have a List in the class that contains the actual pickable enemies at the current moment in time.

You might have noticed before that when any enemy died, they always spawned red particles. Now enemies will spawn death particles the correlate with their color; in other words, normal enemies will have red death particles and fast enemies will have yellow death particles.

WE CHANGED HOW THE SCORE WILL BE CALCULATED - We will no longer have any max health penalty (for now at least); we removed the 10k bonus and now only kills and time count in the calculation. 

There's still a lot of things we have to do to make the game more balanced. At this point in time, we need to focus on buffing the player. So far, the maximum I can survive is a little over a minute. I am currently thinking of adding some kind of "combo system" in order to boost exp gains, so that the player can upgrade more in a shorter amount of time. I am also thinking of a way to make the building system more useful in the game because so far, it is probably the most useless upgrade to get...

School is around the corner and I have some summer homework to do. Keep an eye out for more small updates. We will keep all these small stuff on this devlog #4. When I am ready to start pushing for the final workout, I'll be posting a devlog #5 maybe in a week or two. 

Thank you all for the support you guys give buy just checking out these blogs!