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I don't seem to be able to pick up items in the newest version, unless I am doing it wrong, the how to play section says to click at them but it does nothing for me. I am on Windows 11, I tried restarting the game but it didn't help.

However the game seems very interesting, and I love the idea that the character gets captured instead of dying, very cool!

(2 edits)

Huge thank you for trying Vinculike! :D

I’ve just tried the build from the site and picking up items seems to work fine for me in Windows 10.

Maybe you’re trying to click in the wrong place? You need to “step over” the item and click on the item name (in the bottom-right corner: this is “items on the ground”) to pick it up and equip:

There is no regular “inventory” in the game yet. The heroine can carry only the items she has equipped, at least for now. So, e.g. if she has an item in that slot, she will unequip it to equip a new one.

However if there are bondage items equipped (highlighted in purple color) - they can’t be unequipped that easily, press on names of those items in top-right corner to try struggle out of them. Some items (like bondage mittens or wrist bars) also prevent from equipping anything.


Ohh, I am silly yeah I was clicking on the item in the map, not on the name of it haha. Thank you for your help


Yeah, the game lacks a tutorial badly :D I really need to make at least some overlay to show how to work with UI.