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Thank you for this kind and detailed feedback! I’m so thrilled that you enjoyed it – I admit I gave a lot of thought to the look and style of the game the week beforehand, and once I worked out how to pan the camera I was very excited to try some reveals. With the plot, I was sort of working with tropes rather than trying to reinvent the wheel, but I’m happy it worked for you & hopefully the humour didn’t feel too out of place. In the planning, I honestly thought this would be a lighthearted story, but once I got writing it and had to cut stuff out, it ended up much more melancholic.

If I do expand this, and I really intend to, maybe some of that will go back in and it’ll end up quite a different story… 😅

Anyway, thank you again for this comment and also your entry, let’s keep bringing sci-fi flavour to the jams!