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Hi there! I’m super excited for this game as I’m a big fan of A Tale of Crowns, but I just wanted to ask if it would be possible to add a dark mode or something to tweak the colors? I’m visually impaired and while I’d really like to dive into this gorgeous setting, reading as it is now unfortunately gives me a headache after a very short time because the current color scheme is just too intense even while using an extension like DarkReader. I’d appreciate any options to make our experience more comfortable and thank you so much for the work you’ve done so far! Have a great day!


hi there! i am always happy to accomodate accessibility to the best of my coding abilities. i know there's a way to build in a dark mode but since i didn't incorporate that into my initial code i'll have to figure out how to do it without breaking the rest of the formatting. that's a pretty big task, so not really something i'll be able to incorporate in between updates but i'll try my best and see if i can get it in there for the ch 3 update!


Thanks so much, looking forward to keeping an eye on where development goes from here!