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I have a friend who occasionally schedules posts on Twitter to showcase random GIFs of his game development in process. He says that it's something you have to regularly keep up with if you want to see some traffic, and games that are visually interesting are more likely to get noticed. I tried using it a long while back to show off some of my own game development stuff, but I found it to be too much of a hassle to keep up with, especially because I don't particularly care about trying to get attention.

As for more text-heavy devlogs... I'm not sure if there's any special place you could go to post things like that. I have gotten some hits from all the devlogs I made for my larger games here on itch, but part of that might be because I'm in the pool of "featured" users on this site, so anything I do shows up in a special featured feed. Honestly, I think the best thing you can do is to just continue making games if you're passionate about it! Your follower count will only go up if you keep putting stuff out, and I've had several bursts of traffic on random things I've made across my time on this site.

Thank you for the advice, if I set up any public place to show off stuff I make I'll definitely post about it here, but for now if you're interested in keeping up with my stuff just make sure to check my itch every so often.