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I'd first like to say that I love the majority of this vn. From it's unique twist of the protag somehow holding (possibly the long lost demon lord) within their body. Or the meta commentary from the other characters when you try to go through a unfinished route. 

But I have to say that the sheer amount of monologuing from the protag after the dream sequence is seriously annoying. Like if you cut out the entire thing and said " I'm going to an elite school for magical hunters because I caused my classroom to blow up" would have just covered it.

Plus any interaction with the protag's sister just feels overall pointless. I would just cut out most of the morning sequence and just leave the dream part and the "protag looks at the bathroom mirror" part. Then have the protag's mom have a tearful goodbye with the protag.

The main reason for why the monologue is annoying is because it feels like the protag is just breaking the fourth wall just to be condescending towards the reader. 

But aside from the prologue, everything starting from the first interaction with tates introduction is great!

Tldr: cut down on the monologuing in the prologue